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Horsetail and Hair Health

horsetail-300x199What is Horsetail?
Horsetail is a prehistoric plant that is also identified by its other names including puzzle grass, bottlebrush, snake grass and pewterwort and its botanical name, Equisetum Arvense. This tall green plant with its hollow bamboo like stems serves as a beneficial ingredient especially in regards to hair growth. Over the past few weeks we have gone more in depth into the benefits of a variety of different ingredients including caffeine, copper peptides, jojoba oil, keratin as well as others, and this week will be no different as we explore the benefits that horsetail extract has on hair.
The Benefits of Horsetail
Horsetail extract is believed to stimulate hair growth because of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Horsetail contains selenium, cysteine and silica which are some of the reasons why this plant serves as a great ingredient for hair health and hair growth.
Selenium– Selenium is a chemical element that has the ability to create selenoproteins.  These proteins assist in stimulation of the hair follicles which can lead to hair growth. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, adding a daily multivitamin containing the mineral selenium can help to improve nutrition which can help with overall hair growth and hair health. Another benefit that selenium can have on hair, is its ability to reduce build up and dandruff on the scalp. This frees the hair follicles, allowing the hair to grow in more easily.
Cysteine- Cysteine is a semi-essential amino acid which also serves as a means of contributing to healthy hair. Cysteine does its job for your hair by serving as one of the building blocks for proteins. The organs in our bodies thrive off of protein, and our hair is no different. Protein, especially keratin, is one of the main contributors to healthy hair growth and hair health and without the ample amount of protein, hair can appear to be dry, brittle and it may even result in hair loss.
Silica- This trace mineral has been shown to assist with strengthening blood vessels which results in improved circulation. As mentioned in a previous post, blood circulation is extremely important in regards to hair growth because with improved circulation comes improved oxygen output which can help stimulate hair growth on the scalp. Oxygen is crucial for our bodies to thrive, and our hair and scalp are no exception. Silica has also been shown to keep hair, skin and nails strong through its importance for the skin’s connective tissues.
As you can see, the many elements of horsetail come together to produce multiple benefits for hair growth and overall hair health. Horsetail can be found in both dried herb and liquid forms including hair care products such as the Regenepure DR hair loss shampooand the Regenepure Intense Volumizing Biotin Conditioner.

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